光华讲坛——社会名流与企业家论坛 第3678期 

(发布于:2015-05-06 )

主讲人: 纽约联邦储备银行高级风险管理专家  徐明
主  题:overview of American consumer credit 
主持人:经贸外语学院  张家瑞副教授
时  间:2015年5月6日(星期三)下午2:30
地  点:颐德楼H106
主  办:经贸外语学院、科研处
   A seasoned consumer credit and risk management professional, Mr. Frank Xu has held senior positions with major US banks including Portfolio Analytics Manager with JPMorgan Chase, and Senior Vice President with Citigroup. He is currently working for Federal Reserve Bank of New York as a Senior Credit Risk Specialist focusing on bank supervision. In his over 20 years professional expereince, Mr. Xu sets analytics directions and supports risk strategies in areas of portfolio growth, credit quality assessment, model risk management, corporate risk governance and control processes, etc. 
Mr. Xu received his B.A and M.A degrees in Economics from Beijing University. He also holds M.A degree in Economics from University of Cincinnati, USA.  